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The Women’s Center promotes and advocates for gender equity on campus and in the community. We facilitate opportunities for learning and activism to support and empower all individuals in building an inclusive and compassionate society.

位于一楼的 纪念体育馆 109室,妇女中心努力为所有人提供一个安全的环境. 该中心包括一个小厨房,提供免费冷热饮料和小吃, 哺乳和换奶区, 休息区, 有电脑和打印机的自习室, 更多的是在一个对孩子友好的环境中.


A collective of writers and photographers attempting to promote critical discussion on issues of gender and social justice.




50多年来,妇女中心一直是我生命中重要的一部分. 1972年6月,作为一名年轻的计算机专业人员,我开始在bet365亚洲官网工作, 在数学或计算机科学领域,几乎没有女性为我树立榜样. 当妇女中心于当年10月下旬开业时, 我参加了它的第一个棕色袋子计划, “妇女的法律地位.” The programs and informal gatherings provided me with role models who were successful professionals in other areas: 教师, 教练, 员工及社区. 这些项目也让我看到了女性所面临的问题. 例如, 我曾希望买一所房子, but I learned from that first program that a woman could not get credit in her own name, 她需要一个男人来共同签署她的贷款或抵押贷款. It wasn’t until the Equal Credit Opportunity Act of 1974 that women could get credit on their own. The Women’s Center not only helped me become more informed on issues affecting women and minorities, 它也为我提供了一生的朋友,我在那里遇到了.




The University of Idaho Women’s Center became the beating heart of my time on campus and forever changed my trajectory in life. 来自一个有限的背景, the Women’s Center opened my imagination to treasure troves of buried stories and practices of solidarity. The Women’s Center is a space of community and shared learning which is rooted in a simple message: “Your life and experiences are valuable, 不管你是谁.“如果没有这颗解放的宝石的影响,我就不会有现在的辉煌. 伊利诺伊大学妇女中心是宝石州中一颗罕见而美丽的石榴石.


新闻 & 大众传媒,2011

The 女性中心 was a foundational space for me where I could jump-start a career in Media and Communications. I was the first editor of the 女性中心 blog and helped relaunch the Feminist 所有iance (formerly F.L.A.M.E.), a student organization built around identifying initiatives to support gender equity across campus. 我从2012年开始报道, 在俄勒冈州的报社工作, 科罗拉多州和爱达荷州, 撰写医疗保健, 行为健康, 住房, 法院, 社会运动和能源. My favorite aspect of working in newsrooms was connecting with community members who wanted to share their stories. In 2017, 我转向了政治沟通, 在华盛顿社区行动网络工作, where we won renter protections with community-led organizing through state legislation and in a ballot initiative in a Seattle suburb. 自2022年3月起, I've been working as a Communications Specialist for the Department of 社区 and Human 服务 with King County. I’m happy to be a public servant in an agency whose goal is to build up equitable systems.



国际研究 & 社会学,2022

当我想到我在bet365亚洲官网的本科教育, 我不禁想起了妇女中心. I am reminded of a place where I felt comfortable expressing myself and learning from others. I worked at the 女性中心 for three years as a work-study employee and enjoyed everything that came with the job. The 女性中心 has always made sure that everyone feels included and supported beyond academics. 在这里,我培养了一些技能,这些技能一直伴随着我, and I am immensely grateful to all the staff that continue to make it a safe space for so many students. 我现在是华盛顿大学法学院的一名法律系学生, and everything I learned and gained from the 女性中心 continues to benefit my education and career. I hope the 女性中心 can continue to assist more students in the years to come.


The Women’s Center hosts a wide range of educational and cultural enrichment programs to educate, 招待和庆祝我们校园的成员, 当地的, 国家和国际社会. 我们的活动日历会定期更新妇女中心的项目, 我们的选民感兴趣的校园合作和其他活动.

There’s something for everyone at the Women’s Center — from our bimonthly 周五Crafternoon arts and crafts program, 到专业发展主题,这是我们棕色午餐的一部分 & 学习系列, to programs led by our student staff featuring special interest movie screenings and discussions, 有很多事情正在发生,有很多方式可以参与进来!

三月是妇女历史月. Stay tuned for details of a month-long series of events to highlight and commemorate the global achievements of women. 本学期的签名活动包括:

所有 of our programs and events are free for University of Idaho students with a valid ID; some have a nominal fee for non-students. 所有 是受欢迎的!



The Women’s Center offers a number of scholarship opportunities for students seeking financial support for their academic pursuits. 下列奖学金由妇女中心设立. 有些由学生财政援助中心管理, 其他的由妇女中心的工作人员审查 女性、性别 & 性研究课程 教师.

  • Agnes Eikum Chase纪念奖学金: 由克林顿一世创立. Chase in memory of his mother, awarded to a full-time student who is the child of a single parent or 主要照顾未成年子女的单亲父母.
  • 雪莉·格罗斯曼·考德威尔奖学金: 由雪莉·格罗斯曼捐赠资助, to provide an educational opportunity for single parents who are the primary care providers for one or more of their own dependent minor children.
  • 贝琪·托马斯性别平等奖学金: 为了纪念一位前妇女中心主任而建立的, 表彰表现出特殊动机的学生, 创新, involvement and commitment to advancing gender equity issues through their academic studies and/or via volunteerism and community service.
  • 女性、性别 & 性研究 Excellence Scholarship (to be awarded for the first time in Fall 2025): 由妇女中心为一名自称为女性的学生设立 & 在性学方面表现优异的未成年人.
加里·林赛: 2017-18 recipient of the Shirley Grossman Caldwell Endowed Scholarship
Samragyee Gautam
Samragyee Gautam: 2019-20 recipient of the Betsy Thomas Gender Equity Scholarship Award


The 女性中心 staff is committed to increasing the knowledge and involvement of students, 员工和教师围绕有关妇女和性别的问题. 满足大学社会的需要, 我们提供深入的, 为学生提供个性化的学习体验, 生活小组或俱乐部.

演讲通常是1.5-2小时的课程,包括讲座、讨论和互动活动. 演示可以缩短到50分钟的课时. For all presentations and guest lectures, a minimum attendance of 10 people is required.


  • 关于妇女中心
  • 从盟友变成同谋
  • 身体革命
  • 101年女权主义
  • 女权主义的领导
  • 性别与媒体
  • 动员的男人
  • 尊敬的沟通
  • 尊重界限:防止性骚扰
  • 健康的人际关系:爱不应该伤人







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