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Academic Programs

Physical Address:
E. J. Iddings Agricultural Science Laboratory, Room 65
606 S Rayburn St

Mailing Address:
875 Perimeter Drive MS 2336
Moscow, ID 83844-2336

Phone: 208-885-7984

Fax: 208-885-6654




Clubs and Organizations

通过参加俱乐部或学生组织,充分利用你的汪达尔经历. Browse CALS groups, find your passion and join. To update your club information or submit a new club, fill out this form. For questions, please contact


农业风险管理俱乐部致力于在课堂之外增加补充材料,以更好地为学生做好风险管理职业的准备. Presentations by industry professionals in grain, 牛和乳制品让学生们可以选择自己感兴趣的专业, and train students using examples of problems that merchandisers, producers or brokers may face and how to potentially address them.

ASM俱乐部促进农业系统管理课程学生对农业系统管理的兴趣. 俱乐部的各种活动包括参观斯波坎农业博览会,了解最新的农业技术, guest speakers and other activities.

Visit their Facebook page at:

The Aldrich Entomology Club at the University of Idaho was founded in 1961. 我们促进知识和激发兴趣昆虫学和昆虫的研究及其关系和对环境的影响, humans and society. The club meets every other Tuesday at 5:20 p.m. during the academic year.

The Apparel, 纺织品与设计俱乐部(ATD Club)将为会员提供一个探索服装和纺织品相关内容的有利环境, 参加专业发展活动和课外活动.

Block and缰绳俱乐部是为那些热衷于与牲畜打交道的学生设计的. 俱乐部与4-H和FFA学生/会员合作,通过教学和支持他们自己的牲畜和他们的表演梦想.

Block and Bridle holds several events during the year, 包括每年秋季的Little International秀和每年春季的试衣秀. By learning how to raise, fit and show livestock animals at these various events, members are able to make connections.

In addition to sponsoring events, 俱乐部前往斯波坎县博览会和华盛顿中部博览会,展示bet365亚洲官网的夏洛莱牛. Members also attend the Bull and Gelding sale in Red Bluff, California. 这个活动是一个学习的机会,学生可以帮助销售的内部运作.

布洛克和马勒俱乐部是一个全国性的俱乐部,在全国各地都有分会. 学生可以参加全国会议,在那里他们会见其他成员并了解他们的活动.

This professional technical organization prepares leaders to work with families, 促进家庭和消费者科学事业,成为具有领导经验的教育者. 校友会培训FCS专业的学生成为初高中fcla分会的顾问, gives workshops on the district, state and national level, 参加慈善项目,使家庭或儿童受益,如衣服或食物, teaches personal finance topics or recycling and redesigning goods.

扶轮社社员是每年四月在博伊西举行的国家领导会议的评委和演讲人,并且可以参加在华盛顿举行的全国会议.C. during the summer.

Advisor Shelley McGuire

学院FFA是一个学生组织,为其成员提供发展为教育工作者的机会. Many activities involve student organizations, like FFA, and members provide workshops and host events for education. 俱乐部成员参加全国FFA和爱达荷州FFA会议,以促进职业发展活动和基于经验的教育.

Vision大学FFA授权价值观驱动的专业人士在学校领导和服务, businesses and communities.

Mission当前位置bet365亚洲官网学院FFA支持高中农业项目, 准备成员的专业农业事业,并积极为当地服务, college and national communities.

大学青年农民和牧场主(前身为大学农场局)是爱达荷州农场局联合会的一个大学分支机构. Members engage in CALS events, promote agricultural literacy and work to advance the future of agriculture. Students interact with Idaho Farm Bureau Federation leadership, 参观爱达荷州的农业企业,参加州和国家农业局会议.

Connect through Engage at

bet365亚洲官网乳品俱乐部是一个有趣且有教育意义的俱乐部,为其成员提供更多了解乳制品行业的机会. The club helps members network with industry professionals, leading to jobs and internships, and informs others about the dairy industry.

乳品俱乐部的目标是让公众更好地了解乳制品行业是什么, how it benefits others, and how animal welfare practices are implemented on dairy farms. We meet every other Wednesday during the academic year at 5 p.m. in Ag Sci 62.

食物与营养俱乐部的使命是创造一个培育环境,让对食物和营养感兴趣的学生能够培养社区意识. Join for regular meetings, 志愿者活动和校园活动,分享对食物和营养的热情.

食品科学俱乐部通过俱乐部赞助的旅行来促进专业发展,参加主要的食品行业会议,并参加食品技术学院学生协会(IFT)。. 他们的主要活动包括:筹款、参加专业活动和参观食品设施. Join us to meet fellow food scientists and learn more about the food industry. There is food at every meeting.

Our club explores the art and science of growing plants without soil. We meet every Tuesday during the academic year at 5:30 p.m. in the 6th Street Greenhouse. Members can expect to spend about an hour with the club planting seeds, building different types of hydroponics systems, 讨论实地考察和收获农产品在莫斯科冬季农贸市场出售

The University of Idaho Minorities in Agriculture, 自然资源和相关科学(MANRRS)俱乐部促进在农业和自然资源科学及相关领域的职业准备和参与的各个阶段,代表性不足的民族/文化群体的包容和进步.

As a member of MANRRS, you will gain access to a diverse career network, develop professional skills, get exposure to top employers and participate in national activities. 与其他有共同兴趣的学生建立联系,建立网络和联系.

Meetings are held Mondays at 5 p.m. every other week in Ag Science, Room 62.

Learn more about MANRRS

植物和土壤科学俱乐部提供以园艺为基础的活动. 我们专门种植多肉植物和室内植物,我们种植这些植物全年销售. 作为一个俱乐部,我们的目标是帮助周围的社区了解基本的植物护理和园艺主题活动. Our club is not major specific and anyone can join. Club meetings are held on Thursday’s at 5 p.m. in the 6th Street Greenhouse during the academic year.

马球队/俱乐部欢迎所有技能水平的学生参加这项有趣而独特的运动. Horses are provided and no polo experience is necessary.

兽医预备俱乐部旨在为对兽医感兴趣的学生提供资源. 该俱乐部举办信息会议,主题包括兽医学校申请流程和本科研究, and participates in volunteer service opportunities, both animal and non-animal related. The Pre-Veterinary Club also hosts club social events, to encourage cooperation and bonding among pre-veterinary students.

俱乐部的使命是促进对科学和实际牧场问题的讨论和理解, to promote the recognition and understanding of rangeland resources, to provide a medium for the exchange of ideas and facts among club members, allied scientists and technologist, to encourage the professional development of members while having fun.

牛仔竞技俱乐部允许学生追求他们的兴趣,参加牛仔竞技进入大学水平. The men and women’s rodeo team competes against other northwestern schools. 主要活动包括:实习、旅行和参加西北地区大学马术巡回赛.

bet365亚洲官网土壤评估组为学生提供土壤分类学技能, morphology, reading landscapes and making land-use interpretations. 该团队通过实地考察和课堂学习,成为更好的土地管理者,并在专业工作场所更具竞争力. Each semester culminates in a regional or national soil judging competition.

土壤管理员为学生提供了一个学习和实践可持续原则的机会, small-acreage market garden production. 我们的学生农民通过经营校园蔬菜/水果农场获得了重要的实践经验和领导技能.

The Student Idaho Cattle Association (SICA) strives to provide an engaging, fruitful environment for dedicated students interested in animal agriculture. Through the Idaho Cattle Association Convention, 全国牛肉协会大会和SICA春季产业之旅, 会员可以获得畜牧业技术进步的第一手知识, beef industry issues and accomplishments, 农业公共关系工作和影响牛肉生产者的现行立法. SICA provides members the opportunity to establish connections, take on leadership skills, build friendships and networking relationships, 在探索牛肉行业的各个部门的同时,专业地成长并在学术上脱颖而出.

妇女农业俱乐部是为所有女性感兴趣的连接和建立自己的网络. 我们致力于提供专业技能、职业资源和社交机会. Monthly meetings will be held with guest speakers and career resources. 这些会议和讲习班将使妇女具备在农业或相关行业脱颖而出的信心和技能. 该俱乐部旨在帮助女性建立人脉,为她们今后的个人生活和职业生涯服务.


在AGR,你将有机会体验社会和专业的兄弟情谊. AGR做了你所期望的社会兄弟会做的事情:与校园里的其他学生和社区里的人交往.

AGR也像其他社会兄弟会一样,它有一个强大的成员团体和一个你可以在大学期间住的房子. But AGR is more than just one of those strictly social fraternities; it is also a professional fraternity. All members of AGR have related career interests. AGR是为追求与农业,食品或纤维行业相关的任何职业的年轻人而设.

One more difference: at AGR there's no pledging. You join as an equal member. AGR does a careful review of all potential members in advance, so there's no need for a "weeding out" process.

CALS大使是学生代表,与365bet中文、捐赠者和公众接触. CALS大使项目是bet365亚洲官网第一个此类项目,也是校园内最大的大学大使团队.

大使是有杰出成就和领导潜力的学生,他们与365bet中文分享他们的知识和热情. 他们激励其他人梦想,学习并最终成为CALS大家庭的一员.

大使的活动范围很广,可能包括代表CALS及其项目参加校园内外的活动,如农业日, Envision Idaho and UIBound, 以及前往爱达荷州和邻近州的地区/州/全国会议和高中科学教室.

Visit CALS Ambassadors website

农业与生命科学学院学生事务委员会(CALSAC)是农业与生命科学学院学生组织的统一机构. CALSAC提倡参与学院,旨在为学生提供有趣的领导机会. 我们帮助促进全年不同的活动,如CALS奥运会, Ag Days and the spring awards banquet.

我们是CALS学生和社团共同促进交流的地方, engagement and a positive experience outside the class. 我们致力于帮助俱乐部开展不同的活动,并参与许多不同的CALS活动. 我们还帮助学生提供专业发展和领导经验.

Contact us at

Visit Facebook:

Phi Upsilon Omicron是一个专注于家庭和消费者科学综合领域的大学荣誉协会. Through professional development projects and philanthropy efforts, 学生培养领导者,以继承家庭和消费者科学的遗产.

Sigma Alpha is a professional agricultural sorority that promotes scholarship, leadership, service and fellowship among its members. Sigma Alpha members stand out as leaders on their campuses and in the workforce. Sigma Alpha is dedicated to the motto: Women Excelling in Agriculture.

西格玛阿尔法促进妇女参与农业,并通过“农业课堂”倡导农业, a program that teaches elementary students about the importance of agriculture.

Hydroponics Club

Learn about soil free farming on the U of I campus.

Soil Stewards

Learn more about the Soil Stewards Student Farm.

A group of students holding a shovel and an award.

To learn about other University of Idaho student organizations, visit the Department of Student Involvement.


Academic Programs

Physical Address:
E. J. Iddings Agricultural Science Laboratory, Room 65
606 S Rayburn St

Mailing Address:
875 Perimeter Drive MS 2336
Moscow, ID 83844-2336

Phone: 208-885-7984

Fax: 208-885-6654





Academic Programs

Physical Address:
E. J. Iddings Agricultural Science Laboratory, Room 65
606 S Rayburn St

Mailing Address:
875 Perimeter Drive MS 2336
Moscow, ID 83844-2336

Phone: 208-885-7984

Fax: 208-885-6654


