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U of I College of Engineering

Mailing Address:

Janssen Engineering (JEB) Room 125
875 Perimeter Drive MS 1011
莫斯科, ID 83844-1011

Phone: 208-885-6470

Fax: 208-885-6645

电子邮件: engr-sss@u爱达荷州.edu

网络: College of Engineering

U of I 博伊西 Engineering

Mailing Address:

Idaho Water Center 
322 E. 前街 
博伊西,ID 83702

Phone: 208-364-6123

Fax: 208-364-3160

电子邮件: denisee@u爱达荷州.edu

网络: 博伊西 Engineering

U of I 爱达荷瀑布 Engineering

Physical Address:

爱达荷瀑布, Idaho 83402

Phone: 208-757-5400

Fax: 208-282-7929

电子邮件: ui-if@u爱达荷州.edu

网络: 爱达荷瀑布 Engineering

U of I CDA Computer Science

Physical Address:
1000 W Garden Ave,
Hedlund Building Room 202,
心d 'Alene, ID 83814

Phone: 208-292-2509

电子邮件: cs-cda-info@u爱达荷州.edu

网络: U of I 心d 'Alene

Engineering 外展

Physical Address:

875 Perimeter Drive MS 1014
莫斯科, ID 83844-1014

Phone: 208-885-6373

Fax: 208-885-9249

电子邮件: outreach@u爱达荷州.edu

网络: Engineering 外展

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Please direct questions to engr-covid19@u爱达荷州.edu. 您的电子邮件将得到及时的回复.


U of I College of Engineering

Mailing Address:

Janssen Engineering (JEB) Room 125
875 Perimeter Drive MS 1011
莫斯科, ID 83844-1011

Phone: 208-885-6470

Fax: 208-885-6645

电子邮件: engr-sss@u爱达荷州.edu

网络: College of Engineering

U of I 博伊西 Engineering

Mailing Address:

Idaho Water Center 
322 E. 前街 
博伊西,ID 83702

Phone: 208-364-6123

Fax: 208-364-3160

电子邮件: denisee@u爱达荷州.edu

网络: 博伊西 Engineering

U of I 爱达荷瀑布 Engineering

Physical Address:

爱达荷瀑布, Idaho 83402

Phone: 208-757-5400

Fax: 208-282-7929

电子邮件: ui-if@u爱达荷州.edu

网络: 爱达荷瀑布 Engineering

U of I CDA Computer Science

Physical Address:
1000 W Garden Ave,
Hedlund Building Room 202,
心d 'Alene, ID 83814

Phone: 208-292-2509

电子邮件: cs-cda-info@u爱达荷州.edu

网络: U of I 心d 'Alene

Engineering 外展

Physical Address:

875 Perimeter Drive MS 1014
莫斯科, ID 83844-1014

Phone: 208-885-6373

Fax: 208-885-9249

电子邮件: outreach@u爱达荷州.edu

网络: Engineering 外展